Monday, January 5, 2009

Last Blog posted to public

After a long thought out process, I have decided to not post reading & pictures to the public. Shane is working an upper line of duty(undercover) & arresting murders & people associated with very well-known around the states gangs. With Shane working at night, which leaves me all by myself with the kids, just has me a little on ease?? I'm sure you can understand....people tend to just freak out when they hear Shane works nights. So, we don't want any retaliation!

However, the good part about this is now I can put up pics of our house- inside & out! A lot of you have been asking about the house & our move-in, so next blog will have pics up of all the rooms!! Yeah! Man it takes a long time to put up & organize. I am getting ready to redo the kids is my new in the process project! Also, I have pictures of Lilly in her flower girl dress- the cutest thing! My little princess!! Her & the boys are all going to look adorable!

So, stay tune as I add Christmas day pictures & I might seek a picture of Shane undercover....he looks just as handsome as when in uniform!!


Shanan & Shannon said...

I respect that decision 100%. You can make your blog private though and require a password to get in. I don't know how to do it but my friend is in the process of making hers private and Jenny has a friend with a private one - just fyi if you are interested. Most important thing...keeping you guys safe. Love you.

April Drolet said...

Totally agree. So let me know how to read the blog privately or how to see whatever pics you're posting. however you're doing that.We enjoy it alot!

Leyla said...

Please let me know when you go private so you can allow me to read your blog. I love keeping up with you and your family. Take care!